Blue Bird Of Paradise (Paradisaea Rudolphi)

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Paradisaea rudolphi

Blue birds of paradise are one of the most beautiful of the bird of paradise species. Their bright blue feathers are a welcome addition to the green foliage of the tropical forests of Papua New Guinea. The males are adorned with two long and delicate streaming tail feathers. To impress the females, they show off by hanging upside down from a branch and fanning out their wings - it is a spectacular display.

Bird Of Paradise, Blue

The Blue Bird-of-paradise, Paradisaea rudolphi, is a medium-sized, approximately 30 cm long, black bird-of-paradise with a bluish-white bill, dark brown iris, grey legs, broken white eye-ring and bright blue wings. The male is adorned with violet blue and cinnamon flank plumes and two long ribbon-like tail feathers. The female has a chestnut brown below. The Blue Bird-of-paradise was discovered by Carl Hunstein in 1884.


The male is polygamous and performs a breathtaking courtship display. But unlike all other Paradisaea species, he performs solitary with attending female nearby. In display, the male hangs from a branch upside down. The black oval with red margin at the centre of his chest is rhythmically enlarged and contracted. His violet blue plumes spread out in a fan, swaying its body back and forth while the central tail feathers form two impressive arches down to either side. Throughout his performance he vocalizes softly in a low but harsh vibrating voice.

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